Working Together

Working Together

这就是为什么我们采取了许多措施来保护 safety, health and welfare 我们在世界各地的团队成员. 我们的目标是确保不伤害我们的人民, 我们把全面安全文化作为我们经营理念的一个组成部分. 我们的每一个流程都采用这种方法, 将程序和制度融入到每个员工的态度和价值观中.

We also view a diverse and inclusive workforce as critical to our future business success. We know that drawing from diverse backgrounds and points of view fosters innovation and creativity, enhancing the products and services we can offer to customers and setting new industry standards. Diverse experiences also help create resilient organizations with stronger governance and problem-solving skills. Research has also shown that diverse organizations outperform those that do not invest in diversity and that employees consider societal impact as the number one indicator of success for their organization, underscoring the importance of encouraging active employee engagement in corporate sustainability initiatives.

Our 2030 Goals

了解这些目标是如何与目标一致的 联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs).

我们致力于培育一个安全, diverse and inclusive workplace where new ideas and innovative thinking are encouraged and rewarded. Based on these priorities, we have established the following social goals for the program:

Related Goal


Related Goal

Continuously encourage, inform and empower every employee to be an active participant in 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Sustainability Program, 在他们的日常任务之间建立有意义的联系, 他们的个人生活以及他们对环境和社会的影响.

Related Goal

向更加以员工为中心的组织发展,多元化 & Inclusion (D&I) awareness is embedded in the organizational culture, allowing our people to be authentic at work. 鼓励我们的高层管理人员成为D&榜样是所有人的灵感之源.


Taking Action

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我们将继续提高我们的安全和多样性标准和做法, 与此同时,我们也致力于营造一个有吸引力的工作环境. Prioritizing these aspects of the business not only attracts the best and brightest talent but supports our employees so they can be their authentic selves, do their best work and empower them to be part of the progress made in their environments and communities. 为实现这些目标,我们将:

Related Goal

Employee safety

  • 重振我们的员工安全意识(SAFE)计划, 在我们的运营过程中,哪些措施有助于显著减少伤害. 
  • Monitor and measure continuous safety improvement by expanding the use of a balanced safety scorecard that includes lagging and leading indicators to our global operations.
  • 实施全面的严重伤害和死亡(S).I.F.) mitigation program.
  • Utilize the Management of Change (MOC) process as a best practice to implement rigorous non-routine pre-job planning and analysis, 确保对非常规任务的风险进行仔细评估和控制. 
Related Goal


  • Build employees’ sustainability knowledge and competence through education and training. This includes making sustainability materials available during the recruitment and onboarding processes.
  • Create systems and processes that facilitate the integration of sustainability into the day-to-day decisions made by employees. 
  • Collaborate with employees to deploy sustainability best practices that match their areas of interest.
  • Create opportunities for employees to be Sustainability Champions at work and in their communities and earn rewards and recognition. 这包括激励基于技能的志愿服务.
  • 组建绿色团队,帮助改善工作环境, 提高效率并推进关键绩效指标的实施.
Related Goal

Diversity & Inclusion

  • 开展新的多样性和包容性研讨会和培训,解决无意识的偏见, the gender gap, 领导角色中的女性和其他主题.
  • Recognize D&在我们的设施中实施的最佳实践.
  • 更新我们的招聘和入职流程, 帮助我们成为现有和未来员工的首选雇主. This includes developing regional approaches to attract and develop talents among minorities and women.
  • 检讨所有现行政策, 确定差距并根据需要发布新指导的实践和程序.
  • Promote a positive work environment, free from harassment and bullying in all our locations.
  • Establish D&公司各部门的委员会.


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Our employees and operations around the world are already doing their part when it comes to climate action. 这里有几个例子可以说明他们是如何发挥作用的:



We recently established our Twentyby30 Charitable Giving program 支持我们所在社区的组织和慈善机构. The organizations we donate to are nominated by employees across our global operations and often represent meaningful personal connections. We are proud to be an employer that supports our employees by helping the people and places that they care about most and to help fund projects that might otherwise not be possible.

Best Practices Program


作为我们加速可持续发展承诺的一部分, 我们积极号召员工创造、分享 best practices and project efforts that improve efficiencies and processes that can yield benefits to our customers worldwide. 



At 云顶集团糖果游戏, we believe D&这对我们的商业成功至关重要. We strive to create an environment where every individual within the Company has the opportunity to fulfill their full potential. To reach parity, 我们致力于提供灵活性, 支持并为每个人创造机会, 尤其是全世界的女性. Discover our continuing video series 突出了在皇冠工作的女性的励志故事.

Connecting with Culture


在确定当地的残疾儿童和青少年项目后, 我们Cabreuva的团队成员, Brazil facility invested in several partnerships to strengthen resources and give back to the community. Two projects designed to promote music culture and education included dance classes and musical instrument lessons. A third project involved a basketball program that trained wheelchair users in the sport. 因为工厂参与了这些项目, around 100 individuals were connected with new skills and opportunities and were able to improve their physical and mental health, 社会化和自尊.

Driving Healthcare Support


作为其健康倡议方案的一部分, 我们在科林索斯的伙伴, Greece plant organized a blood donation drive in early 2020 in collaboration with Korinthos General Hospital to combat a supply shortage in the province and help meet extreme transfusion needs. 专业医生在现场回答问题, 教育员工献血的好处,并帮助开展献血活动.

Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)

了解更多云顶集团糖果游戏的环境,健康 & Safety (EHS) approach here.

Employee Development

了解更多云顶集团糖果游戏员工发展的方法 here.

Policies and Positions

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我们的政策和立场链接如下. 云顶集团糖果游戏的所有政策和立场都可以在这里访问.


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In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly annonunced 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address global changes and set a blueprint for action to achieve the goals by 2030.

Our sustainable priorities are aligned with the SDGs so that our actions can contribute to a greater collective impact. 了解更多云顶集团糖果游戏与每个目标的一致性.

联合国可持续发展目标#3 -良好健康和福祉的图标. 它描绘了心脏的心电图波形.
联合国可持续发展目标#5 -性别平等的图标. It depicts the gender symbols for men and women combined with an equal sign between them.
联合国可持续发展目标#8 -体面工作和经济增长的标志. 它描绘了一个在暗红色背景下呈上升趋势的条形图.
联合国可持续发展目标#10 -减少不平等的图标. It depicts an equals sign with four arrows pointing outwards in each direction against a pink background.
联合国可持续发展目标#12 -负责任的消费和生产的图标. 它在棕色背景上描绘了一个带有箭头的无限符号.
联合国可持续发展目标#13 -气候行动的图标. It depicts a drawing of an eye with a drawing of a globe in the middle against a dark green background.
联合国可持续发展目标#16 -和平、正义和强大机构的标志. It depicts a dove holding an olive branch standing on a gavel against a dark blue background.

Additional Resources

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